Chinemelu Oguekwe

 Prodigy Peacebuilders was born out of Chinemelu’s work in serving the community for over 10 years. As she learned more about groups on the margins of community such as prisoners, and newly arrived immigrants, she realized that the stories we hear, see, and share are important.

In working with leaders of different ethnicities to serve their community, Chichi became aware of stories that challenged the definitive stories about certain ethnicities that she learned growing up.

Our stories help us see the humanity in each other. We are compelled to care for each other when we hear real stories because they speak to the humanity in us, reminding us that we are more alike than different. It was in this work that I got inspired to build peaceful communities, collaborating with others who sought wholeness and goodness right where they lived. Collaborating with others to build bridges of understanding for each other, to serve each other, to create spaces for healing and restoration as a community. Prodigy Peacebuilders is built on this idea of peacemaking, driven by the ministry of reconciliation, for healing and restoration of community. 

“The danger of a single story is that it creates stereotypes, … they are incomplete, they make one story become the only story.”

-Chimamanda Adichie